men are from mars, women are from venus
i'm not so sure if it's too early to blog about this. because it's still early days, and i don't want to have too much hope in it yet. now i know why so many women choose to remain single. i was recently reminded that relationships are simply just way too complicated. a single life is well, just much less complicated. it is so-called 'pain-free'. but then again, without experiencing pain, you will not know or treasure the painless days.
if they say a girl is hard to read, i think a guy is just as hard to read. our minds and brains just work differently. which is why a book called "men are from mars, women are from venus" exists. maybe i should give this book a read. i'm finding it really hard trying to 'read' you.

i shall not pretend to be an expert on guys. after all, i've only been in one relationship in my whole twenty-seven years of living. and at the end of that relationship, i found out that i really did not know him at all. he said and did things which hurt me so deeply that i'm not sure i will ever forget them (after close to four years, i can still remember every word he said. i don't feel the hurt anymore, i would say that i have definitely gotten over him till the point of some hatred, but there are some things that will just scar you for life, whether you like it or not).
i know that it's very selfish of me, but i have recently realised that we actually have too many common friends and i wish he will stop talking to these friends (at least the closer ones and especially those who know him through me). it's like i don't want to have anything to do with him anymore, i just want him out of my life. but i know, it will be way too selfish to ask my friends not to be his friends just because of the way i feel. and i will never ask my friends to do that. we all have our own freedom to choose the friends we want to make and keep, so who am i to ask this of my friends?
okay enough about the ex. so yes, i kinda met someone else whom i have a good feeling about. someone who, in my opinion, is very charismatic (which is equivalent to someone who can talk very well and can be charming at the same time - it could be both good and bad). someone whom i simply enjoy his company very much and know that i can always have a good time with. someone whom i've been thinking about quite abit for the past few weeks. i guess we're now only in the getting to know each other stage (as friends). and the more i find out about him, the more i realised how similar he actually is to him. you know the phrase, same same but different.
thoughts are currently quite all over the place about this. can't really put them down into words. but i do wish i know what he is thinking. because some of his actions are well, quite contradictory. perhaps, when things between us become clearer, i will blog about it again. but right now, all i can say is, i really do kinda like him :)
if they say a girl is hard to read, i think a guy is just as hard to read. our minds and brains just work differently. which is why a book called "men are from mars, women are from venus" exists. maybe i should give this book a read. i'm finding it really hard trying to 'read' you.
i shall not pretend to be an expert on guys. after all, i've only been in one relationship in my whole twenty-seven years of living. and at the end of that relationship, i found out that i really did not know him at all. he said and did things which hurt me so deeply that i'm not sure i will ever forget them (after close to four years, i can still remember every word he said. i don't feel the hurt anymore, i would say that i have definitely gotten over him till the point of some hatred, but there are some things that will just scar you for life, whether you like it or not).
i know that it's very selfish of me, but i have recently realised that we actually have too many common friends and i wish he will stop talking to these friends (at least the closer ones and especially those who know him through me). it's like i don't want to have anything to do with him anymore, i just want him out of my life. but i know, it will be way too selfish to ask my friends not to be his friends just because of the way i feel. and i will never ask my friends to do that. we all have our own freedom to choose the friends we want to make and keep, so who am i to ask this of my friends?
okay enough about the ex. so yes, i kinda met someone else whom i have a good feeling about. someone who, in my opinion, is very charismatic (which is equivalent to someone who can talk very well and can be charming at the same time - it could be both good and bad). someone whom i simply enjoy his company very much and know that i can always have a good time with. someone whom i've been thinking about quite abit for the past few weeks. i guess we're now only in the getting to know each other stage (as friends). and the more i find out about him, the more i realised how similar he actually is to him. you know the phrase, same same but different.
thoughts are currently quite all over the place about this. can't really put them down into words. but i do wish i know what he is thinking. because some of his actions are well, quite contradictory. perhaps, when things between us become clearer, i will blog about it again. but right now, all i can say is, i really do kinda like him :)
Labels: men, relationships, women
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